The routine, the dedicated work space and mostly the structure we had while going to office is all missing now. For now the new norm of working from home has taken over not just the grownup but also the kids amid the global Covid’19 pandemic. As we focus on staying home and staying safe and prevent the spread of the virus, here are some easy tips to keep in mind for a work from home setup. This will help you keep your frustration to the minimum while giving each member of the family access to being more productive.
A simple yet dedicated work space for everyone:
It’s important to keep in mind a dedicated space for everyone where we can be productive. The seating, lighting, connectivity are things to keep in mind first. Next comes privacy for yourself and the kids. Now that the children go to school online there might be chaos and noise where they are. So don’t place yourself in the same room as the kids. Next thing to keep in mind is the posture, remember the time when parents asked us to sit up and straight. It might initially feel good to lie down on the couch or bed with the laptop, however in a few days it could cause pain in your neck and back. Make sure your Wi-Fi signals are strong and there are enough power points. Last thing to keep in mind is what’s behind you if you are on a video call.
Intentional about work on our mind:
Our home used to be an escape from work, so we might initially find it difficult to draw balance and get things done. Sticking to a dedicated work schedule helps .For example, getting dressed in work clothes instead of casual home lounge wear will send certain positive signals to the brain. Especially if there are going to be a lot of video conferences, pick formal attire and be aware of what people will see on their screens.
Keeping distractions to the minimum:
Now that you have a dedicated work space, create certain ground rules with the household when you are at work and when you should not be disturbed. Simple act of wearing headphones, a sign on the door or even a closed door can be a sign for the rest of the household to respect. This way there will be minimal noise or activity in your space. Also including and keeping your household aware of your working hours, make it manageable for everyone involved.
Take breaks:
The coffee breaks, or just a simple conversation with the co-worker sitting next to you are all things that look different than the traditional work environment. Still give yourselves these breaks. Maybe take a small walk, run the washing machine, clean the kitchen or climb a couple of flights up and down. If you are used to sitting with the colleague chatting up during your breaks then why not send a message or call them during your breaks.
Stick to your schedule of when to clock out:
It would have been easy to get up and leave work when we worked in a physical location. However, we could still try sticking to a schedule and do the same thing while working from home. And, of course there may be some unusual work hours or tasks that’s ok still see how you can schedule and allow yourself to be there for your family. This will allow you to get back to work feeling refreshed. During these crazy times, our social interaction plays a key factor in our mental wellbeing and virtual interaction. So keep all these factors in mind and enjoy working from home.