A condition of being able to resist particular diseases especially pathogenic microorganisms is immunity. Have you noticed a few people get sick more often than others? How often do you or people in your family fall sick?
Immunity is different for each one and it’s believed that elders and children are more vulnerable to diseases. Our immune system needs a lot of energy to defend our body. The swelling of glands, being tired and achy are signs our body is busy fighting something. Skin and saliva along with cells in every tissue are the key barriers to infection and a critical part of our immune system.
Boost your immune system with these super foods:
Turmeric: This warm but bitter spice is an important immunity booster. It helps increase a protein that helps fight bacteria, viruses and fungus.
Citrus Fruits: Nature’s immunity boosters are fruits like orange, lemon and lime that contain vitamin c.
Leafy vegetables: Methi, mustard greens, spinach and other leafy vegetables are low in calories and packed with antioxidants, beta carotene and vitamin C.
Mushrooms: It is like an Immunity shot the body can have rich in riboflavin, vitamin D, niacin, selenium.
Garlic: Sulphur rich compound like allicin is an excellent immunity booster. Its potent antibiotic action supports the liver to detox.
Ginger: This quick-fix food for sore throat, also fights inflammation in the body.
You can give your immune system an immediate boost by following some diet and lifestyle changes. Eat Breakfast without fail, this helps your blood sugar levels to be stable and keeps calm. Zinc is Wonder-mineral found in our cells is critical for healthy cell development and function. Improves thyroid function and healing of the wound. Your immune system is weakened when you have digestive issues like acid reflux, dyspepsia and leaky gut. The polyphenols in the tea protect the body against free radical damage. Also, green tea increases health-giving antioxidants, called flavonoids in our body. Sleeplessness affects the body repair and the renewing of cells. This, in turn, impacts the immunity level. WBCs are the body’s immune system cells that fight disease. Exercise causes a change in antibodies and white blood cells (WBC). These antibodies or WBCs circulate more rapidly during exercise, this helps detect illnesses earlier.
A healthy diet is essential for preventing yourself from contracting the flu. This is because your immunity is affected during a sudden change in weathers. Enhance your immunity and protect yourself from diseases. Include super foods to your diet.