Self-restraint from any food or food product is fasting. There is a remarkable rate of cell functions and an enhanced recovery rate in the body when the toxins drop during fasting. Hence it is considered to be a wonderful health healer and the best way to restore the body. The detoxifying process of the digestive system can keep the diseases at bay. Digestion by itself is healing and repairing of the body systems where the dead damaged cells and tissues and the toxins released help in strengthening the immune system.
Intermittent fasting is also intermittent energy restriction. And the one way to exercise this on the body is by scheduling various meal timings. Break from the regular cycle and balance out overindulgence. The initial stage of the cleansing process is fast-paced and the body experiences bouts of headache, pain, and depression from the curb. The cleansing process begins by eliminating waste products from the body. The breath is foul-smelling and that’s because of the release of residue matter from the body. Once this stage is crossed the brain begins to get fresh blood and that increases the mental power. Then the second stage of cleansing begins that is removing mucous, dry cells, and unwanted substances. The third stage begins at the cellular level. Extended fasting helps get rid of dead cells and tissues. All toxins from organs especially the digestive system are released during the intermittent fasting period, enhancing the efficiency of various organs. Fasting is considered the easiest and simplest way to control diseases. Also plays a major role in reversing conditions to normalcy. Cell, tissue formation, and bone healing are all maximized during fasting.
How to begin fasting? When u are fasting the main rules to follow are to eat slowly, chew the food thoroughly, do not overeat, and take several days to change to a normal diet. Breaking fast is advisable, to begin with, juicy fruits or fresh fruit juices. The main rules to breakfast are: do not overeat, eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly and take several days for the gradual change to the normal diet. The safest way to break the fast is with fresh fruit juices / juicy fruits. Immediate feasting after fasting is not advised. Lime juice is great at flushing toxins out of the body also provides sufficient energy to the body. Researchers claim to never mix vegetable and fruit juices. So either it is all vegetable or all fruit juice. And always included fresh produce to make the juices. While fasting it is better to strain the juice to remove the excess fiber that will enable the digestive system to full rest.
Drink all-vegetable or all-fruit juices; never combine fruits & vegetables to prepare the juice combination. It is better to make juice from fresh vegetables or fruits. It is best if you filter or strain the juices as they remove excess fiber and give the digestive system a full rest. For losing weight, dilute the juices with water. So, how long should the duration of the fasting be? The ideal duration is twice a year just to deal with the toxic and emotional build-up. The duration can be between 3 to 10 days. The long duration of fasting can be between 30 to 40 days, however, depending on the individual capacity taking into consideration the age of a person also any ailment.