Fight cold this winter:
One of the most common illness that we come down with is the common cold. It can just sneak up on us. One day you are fine and the other day your eyes are watery and your throat is sore. And there, the very next day you are coughing, sneezing and coming down with the cold.
Researchers claim that you can expect to be sick for up to two weeks from a mere cold. The advantage you will have from the gradual onset of symptoms are that your body’s immune system and natural defense will set in to fight the infection. Some really simple measures to help you fix it and have you feel better sooner.
Drinking sufficient water is really critical for all the fluid lost by blowing your nose. So increase your water and fluid intake. It also loosens the congestion in your airways. Alcohol, coffee and caffeinated beverage can all lead to dehydration.
Start slow and get enough rest. Lack of sleep can tire you making u vulnerable to the germs attacking your body. When your body gets 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night, it basically gives the body time to heal and ward off the infection.
There are a number of cells that make up the front lines of defense in case of any infection and studies show that chronic stress can hinder that process. The stress hormone, cortisol is pumped up by the body when we experience tension which makes us more prone to cold.
To give your immune system a lift, do something that relaxes you. Try listening to soothing music, meditating or even getting a little exercise, like taking a walk.
It also loosens congestion in your airways. While juice, clear broth or warm lemon water with honey can help keep you hydrated, avoid alcohol, coffee, and caffeinated beverages – those worsen dehydration.
Products that you can pick from across the counter can work wonders when it comes to fighting cold and its symptoms. But then there are a few home remedies that have been passed down through ages. The best part about this is all the ingredients we need would be right in our cupboards.
Dissolve half a teaspoon of rock salt in approximately 250 ml of warm water, and gargle. This can temporarily relieve sore throat. Warm clear soups, broth, tea and hot cider can help sooth and ease the congestion by increasing mucus flow. Consuming foods rich in vitamin c like citrus. Though the cold makes u feel miserable, a little bit of rest will work wonders for the body.